Monday, 23 July 2012

Today at Enrich

Today at Enrich

Today at enrich we had a technology challenge we had to make something that stands by its self that you could shoot a shuttlecock out of it but only with one hand, we will judge at the end of the day we also had someone come in and tell us about the Waihopai river and how it is so dirty and muddy. Then we started to talk about seawood bush and pets there and Darryn came out with some ferret, rat and stoat fur.  It was really cool and I enjoyed it.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Today @ enrich

Today at Enrich we played the Wilson hoop game, then I chose to do panting with Katie. We had to paint a river some tree shadows and lily pads, it was an impressionist painting like Claude Monet. I will be doing this again next week as well so watch this space! We also started our new concept curriculum about environment and we are still doing the tuning in and finding out what we know about environment.