Thursday, 28 November 2013


Today during passion time, I made an animation using three of the
rules of animating. Mine were timing, pose to pose and
follow through action. This is what I made using those three rules...
Jake is out shooting when his gun needs oil, but he does not have
any gun oil, so he uses some oil from his truck and now Jakes gun works.
Here it is for you to watch...

Thursday, 14 November 2013


Today in Science with Jenni we got litmus paper and dipped it in different things that you 
would have around the house. The reason we did this is to see what colour it came out to
see what level acid it was.
Here is a picture.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Internet safety

Today I went with Jenny to learn about internet safety . You need to keep yourself safe on the internet.
When I looked on the net I was all over the net... I was shocked.... me and my whole family all over the net .
In fact I am worried about my personal safety . There could be personal information about myself. From now on I will be carfeul while on the net and so should you. Go to youtube and type in digital dossier and click on this video.

bye for now and remember to keep safe.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Gifted Study.

For my Affective Domain Gifted Study
I have ticked everything off for the 'beginning' AND the 'at' level 
on my success criteria . I am on my 
seventeenth slide and I am almost finished!
Next thing is to work on making it look amazing so that my audience will be WOWED!
The presentations start in five weeks. I can't wait!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Fools gold

Today I walked into Enrich exited because I had been given 2 rocks
and told they had gold in them. I showed Katie, Nicola and Jenni,
they thought the rocks were cool. When I showed Darryn though he
said it was fools gold, it was so gutting. I went and got a dinoscope
and this is what I saw.  My new passion project for next term is i movies, making a prison break animation.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

America's cup

This morning I was walking up the stairs of Enrich with Mum and all of a sudden I stopped `` Can you smell popcorn'' I said.  ''No''  said Mum.  I just walked in the door about to say can you smell popcorn but there was Nicola popping popcorn and watching the Americas cup . How cool was that!  I finally finished my deer lino prints in Passion time.  Today I double printed them and they look awesome.  I am also working on the 14th slide of my keynote about JK Rowling.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

REM bot

BONJOUR!!! At Enrich today I am making a REM bot out
of lego and putting a sound-piece on it so when it hears a noise it will 
spin the tyres and go all over the place. I cannot wait to build the rem
bot . Here is a photo of a REM bot.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Lino Printing

At Enrich today I finished my fish lino print.... now I am on to my deer.
I did some green prints to print over the top of it and will do this next week . Today I also
tried something different with my fish.  Instead of printing grey over blue,
I did blue over grey,  grey over blue and grey over yellow. Here are some shots for you to look at:

Thursday, 29 August 2013


Today I did three slides on my J K Rowling project /keynote and altogether I have six
slides and two more pages of info to type down!
Did you know J K Rowling 's mother is half French half Scottish, and J K Rowling is British 
and very talented. I am doing this study because Darryn said we need to do a biography on our role model 
and by now you probably guessed  mine is J K Rowling!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Second richest woman on the planet...

Today  I  made it to my third page on my J K Rowling project.
 It has been very interesting learning about J K Rowling as  I 
have learnt things I never knew. Did
you know 
J K Rowling was born in Yate England? She
is the second richest woman on the planet.

Till next time blog ya later.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

J K Rowling

Today in affective Darryn said we have to research about a gifted person 
so I am researching J K Rowling. Everybody has to do it in about 6 hours of Enrich class time
so we're taking it home as well. 
Straight after Darryn let us go I started and got my title page done
and started writing in 10 minutes. They are going to be our roll models
so no Hitler or any other "bad' gifted people.

J K Rowling

Thursday, 11 July 2013

What a term

WOW WOW WOW what a term it has been.  I have finished 3 passion projects in two terms. 2 lino prints a spiker/deer and a brown trout/fish and a movie about duck shooting . Today I went to Jenni's and Darryn's mapping class and learnt how to read a map and how to use a compass . The red arrow points North no matter what.  Darryn and Jenni made us try and use a compass to get from one place to another .

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Gates of pain

Today for passion time I edited my footage for my duck shooting project and found out that I didn't have sound on my Aunty and Uncles interview as well as the interview with fish & game.  All because I didn't turn the microphone so now I have to make do with what I've got. Darryn said that my project has gone pear shaped ever since planning and I agree that it was a cool idea but my planning was a bit average but I will not give up.  I will push myself to the gates of pain if it takes that much to get this done .

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Pressure Pressure Pressure

Today I did some questions for my interview with Zane from Fish & Game today at 3.30 pm .
Also at passion time I edited my video. I am under a lot of pressure because the bad thing is I put the pressure on myself. It is due by the 24th of June and if I complete this it will be epically awesome.  Mum and dad will be so proud of me,  and my entire family.  That incudes me.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Lollipop Tragedy

Today I will be writing more for the Enrich newspaper.  Last week I wrote an article about a winter warmer corn chowder.... mmm. It is very hard to do other subjects 'cause it will be published in weeks to come so it will be old news. Nicola asked Ella-Rose to remind her to buy lollipops but she forgot to remind her and now there is none for the writers to eat while typing. Never mind we will all be too busy typing up interesting articles - I can not wait to publish the paper.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

The pit dun dun dun dun...

Today Darryn told us in affective domain about getting in and out of the pit. You wake up and you'r efine then dun dun dun! You did not do your homework today and now it is due.  You are stressed and do not no what to do. You're falling in the pit and the more you panic the deeper the pit gets. STOP! ask for help,  talk about it,  own up and say sorry to your teacher and carry on with life.

Thursday, 16 May 2013


Today for my passion project  I uploaded my video of duck shooting that I took during opening weekend. I am going to be adding more footage next week, and I will start editing all the footage afterwards.

Below is slide in my Keynote about preparing for duckshooting.

DDDDuck shooting is always the first weekend of May which is on the 5th of May most years.
My project is a success so far.

Joshua over and out.

Thursday, 9 May 2013


WOW! that was awesome - duck shooting was so fun.  I was not shooting but betwen five shooters we got 57 .      
I helped my 11 month black lab Peppa - it was her first time but she was awesome.  We got lots more mallards than we have ever got .  Quack sh they're coming in - hit em boom boom boom 3 shots 4 ducks nice shooting dad. They say quack we say boom.

You may be wondering why I am writing about ducks? My passion project is about duck-shooting!

Thursday, 18 April 2013


WOW 14 more sleeps til duck shooting I am so pumped at Enrich for a passion project.  Here is a little info.  A female paradise duck is the one with a white head and brown chest.
A male paradise duck has a black head and gray chest. if I had a magic wand it would be duck shooting now.


see you next term.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Duck Shooting.

WOW! During passion time I mind-mapped and made a Keynote all about duck shooting because at Enrich because I am entering the Southland Social Sciences Fair 2013. For my entry I will be interviewing people and making a video about duck shooting and a keynote all by the 24th of June . The fair is from the 25th till the 30th of June, so no pressure!

See you next time
Josh over and out.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Cowboys of Enrich

HA HA I got Max! You are not so much of a cowboy now are ya? Just kidding.... today I made a marble throwing cardboard game and a head lock. I am making cardboard arcade games in the art room at Enrich and all of the money I raise will go to the hospice to help them.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

WOW !!!    Today at Enrich we watched a tape on youtube about a boy called Caine who made an arcade in his dad's shop out of boxes. And he only had one customer who made Caine an internet sensation. Now Caine has raised tons of money to pay for his college fees. Caines arcade is in east la . Hamish , Jackson, Daniel, Tomas and I made games of our own and they are awesome.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

YUS!!! This week I keep being fast I have not been the last at anything today .
Today Nicola played an awesome dancing game but Max and I hate dancing.  Max 
got some cool glasses and will dance and feel awesome. Now to watch him having a great time .
Now he has given me the courage to dance at the end of the day.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Smashing chess

I am fifth on the chess leaderboard ! I played on the big chess board today against Kady and I won. 
Today I have been focusing on managing my time to get the most out of Enrich. I've worked really hard to make sure I'm never last to finish anything and so far its been tough but its gone pretty well.
 The big question now is ...... Can I keep it up???

Smashing chess

I am fifth on the chess leaderboard ! I played on the big chess board today against Kady and I won. 
Today I have been focusing on managing my time to get the most out of Enrich. I've worked really hard to make sure I'm never last to finish anything and so far its been tough but its gone pretty well.
 The big question now is ...... Can I keep it up???

Smashing chess

I am fifth on the chess leaderboard ! I played on the big chess board today against Kady and I won. 
Today I have been focusing on managing my time to get the most out of Enrich. I've worked really hard to make sure I'm never last to finish anything and so far its been tough but its gone pretty well.
 The big question now is ...... Can I keep it up???