Thursday, 13 June 2013

Gates of pain

Today for passion time I edited my footage for my duck shooting project and found out that I didn't have sound on my Aunty and Uncles interview as well as the interview with fish & game.  All because I didn't turn the microphone so now I have to make do with what I've got. Darryn said that my project has gone pear shaped ever since planning and I agree that it was a cool idea but my planning was a bit average but I will not give up.  I will push myself to the gates of pain if it takes that much to get this done .

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Pressure Pressure Pressure

Today I did some questions for my interview with Zane from Fish & Game today at 3.30 pm .
Also at passion time I edited my video. I am under a lot of pressure because the bad thing is I put the pressure on myself. It is due by the 24th of June and if I complete this it will be epically awesome.  Mum and dad will be so proud of me,  and my entire family.  That incudes me.